Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Fault in our Stars-- Book Review

   One conflict that has happened in my book so far is when Hazel wanted to go to Amsterdam to meet her favorite author of her favorite book "An Imperial Affliction" that doesn't really have an ending. She wants to meet him to find out what happens. The story does not go on because it's most likely a diary, and the narrator had cancer and was either to sick to continue or died. Hazel wanted answers to what happened. Some cancer patients get a wish and Hazel had already spent hers, so she didn't know how to get to Amsterdam. The part about getting there was solved, but she has not gotten answers to her questions.
   The problem of getting to Amsterdam has been competed, but she meet the author and she hasn't gotten answers, because he's a dumb drunk.
   YES!!! I would recommend this book to a friend. It is very engaging and a very fun and real book that I have LOVED so far!!!
    This book is about a girl who's name is Hazel. She has cancer in her lungs. She goes to this support group and meets a boy that she is into. She decides to try dating him. One of the things that they do when they first meet is exchange books and they discover that they are both into to this book called "An Imperial Affliction". Hazel wanted to go to Amsterdam to meet her favorite author of her favorite book "An Imperial Affliction" that doesn't really have an ending. She wants to meet him to find out what happens. The story does not go on because it's most likely a diary, and the narrator had cancer and was either to sick to continue or died. Hazel wanted answers to what happened. Some cancer patients get a wish and Hazel had already spent hers, so she didn't know how to get to Amsterdam. Will she find a way to meet her beloved author? I think that this book is a 4.5, it's good, but not all books are perfect.

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