Tuesday, October 11, 2016

3rd person story--Metamorphosis

      Once there was this boy, and his name was Metamorphosis. He got made fun of because of his name. "What are you doing Metamorphosis, morphing?" or "Metamorphosis, what are you an insect?" He was very sad and for most of his life had no friends. One day this boy named Track had to transfer to Metamorphosis' school. He also got made fun of and didn't have any friends because all the other boys at their school had more normal names like Jake, Logan, Matt, Issac, Corbin and other names like that. They would say to Track, "I'm surprised people don't walk all over you." Or, "Why don't you join track Track? Because that would be confusing, the all star track player Track." One day both Metamorphosis and Track kept thinking about all the mean things the boys had said to them. Caught up in their thoughts in the cafeteria, they sat down right next to each other on the floor, because there was no room at the actual tables.
     "I hate this school," they said in unison.
      At that moment, they knew that they would be perfect together.

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